Monday, February 28, 2022

Regional Workshop March 2, 2022

New London High School STEM Lecture Hall


7:45     Groton STA bus picks up Fitch High students 

8:00     Groton STA bus picks up Ledyard High students

8:30     Arrive at New London High STEM Program Lecture Hall


8:45     Icebreakers:

·      Movement Games

·      Name Games

·      Group challenge- arrange in birthday order without talking

·      Recognize Kiah for being selected as MPTN Youth Chairwoman 


9:30     Listening exercise- small group with large group report out:

·      Think a person you admire as a great listener; what qualities do they show that makes you think he or she is such a good listener

·      Think of a person who you suspect does not listen well, what qualities or actions do they show that makes you think they are not listening?

·      Report out as small group to the large group


10:00   “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi

·      The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy

·      Theme: “You are not alone” – we need to gather allies and build 

·      We are all swimming in a toxic sea; Ledyard incident with Bacon Academy and Groton/New London fight

·       How can we as a group make a difference and become agents of change?


10:30   Ledyard MTW outreach program

·      Kurt and students explain process used at Ledyard High with faculty and administration

·      School groups meet to strategize how to facilitate dialogue, gather allies and build bridges to address problems

            Leadership Skills:

·      Think of an effective leader, what qualities does he or she possess? What qualities do you think you need to improve or learn to be an effective student leader?

·      Small group talk --> report to full group


11:30 Lunch


12:00    School groups share strategies to the large group


12:45   Leadership Skills:

·      Think of an effective leader, what qualities does he or she possess? What qualities do you think you need to improve or learn to be an effective student leader?

·      Small group talk --> report to full group


1:15     Bus departs New London High

1:45     Drop off Ledyard High students

2:15     Drop off Ledyard Fitch students